Elected Officials

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Town of Capon Bridge: Mayor's Office

The Town of Capon Bridge is structured and operates under the Mayor-Council Plan specified in West Virginia Code. Chapter 8 of the West Virginia Code, particularly §8-3-2 specifies the roles and responsibilities of the Mayor.

The Mayor and Council are the governing body and administrative authority for the Town of Capon Bridge.
Additional duties and limitations of the Mayor are further specified in the Town Charter.
Phone: 304-856-3625
Fax: 304-856-2495
Email: Mayor@townofcaponbridgewv.gov

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5​pm
Town of Capon Bridge, Inc.
Mayor's Office
PO Box 183
Capon Bridge, WV 26711

Town of Capon Bridge: City Council

The Town of Capon Bridge is structured and operates under the Mayor-Council Plan specified in West Virginia Code. Chapter 8 of the West Virginia Code, particularly §8-3-2 specifies the roles and responsibilities of the Council.

The Council is elected at large or by wards, or both, by the qualified voters of the Town of Capon Bridge.
The Council, along with the Mayor, are the governing body and administrative authority for the Town of Capon Bridge.
Additional duties and limitations of the Council are further specified in the Town Charter.
Phone: 304-856-3625
Fax: 304-856-2495
Email: townclerk@townofcaponbridgewv.gov​


Meeting Time:

Meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m.
The meetings are open to the public.

To be on the agenda, you must submit your request by 3 p.m. the Friday before the meeting.
Email: townclerk@townofcaponbridgewv.gov
Town of Capon Bridge, Inc.
City Council
PO Box 183
Capon Bridge, WV 26711


Laura Turner, Mayor
Email: Mayor@townofcaponbridgewv.gov
Town of Capon Bridge, Inc.
259 Whitacre Lane, Capon Bridge, WV 26711
Phone: 304-856-3625 (office)

recorder & councilMembers​

Recorder - 
Councilmembers as follows:
Christopher Turner​
David McMaster
Michelle Warnick
Rob Toothman
Dorinda Strother
Email: townclerk@townofcaponbridgewv.gov

​Capon Bridge Police department

Email: cbpd@townofcaponbridgewv.gov
259 Whitacre Lane, Capon Bridge, WV 26711
Phone: 304-856-2179 (office) or 911, if you have an emergency